League of Uzbekistan season 56

Become a manager and get your own football team in the national league of Uzbekistan on the game Rocking Soccer.

1 uz Real Tashkent FC 29 17883029102870
2 uz ⚽Invincible Bellingham⚽ 1 23 41853028111961
3 uz FK Tashkent #4 18 157230240613239
4 uz United ING 4 57030231610936
5 uz FC Ar-Ramadi6630220811340
6uz Grey Wolf FC 16430211810738
7uz FK Charxin4030124144678
8uz FK Kokand 1 1363099123458
9uz FK Yaypan3130941730114
10uz FK Navoi253074192799
11uz FK Tashkent #24243066182292
12uz FK Buchara #32230571834110
13uz FK Olot203048181176
14uz FK Ohangaron1830532227133
15uz FK Salor1630372020113
16uz FK Kosonsoy1530502528196