League of Wales season 77

Goals scored

tv K. Wagerwal Garfield Tigers10430
wal S. Borrowwal Garfield Tigers7827
wal B. Aitchisonwal Garfield Tigers6526
cn K. Luowal FC Llandudno Bay5834
ki T. Kepaganewal YNWA_Sibyl 915422
wal J. Pleabardwal FC Newport #24433
wal K. Heweswal YNWA_Sibyl 914320
gh P. Surinwal Garfield Tigers4327
wal L. Leleuwal YNWA_Sibyl 914120
wal K. Barronwal Garfield Tigers3822


wal D. Lynchwal Garfield Tigers5627
gh P. Surinwal Garfield Tigers5027
tt P. Guzmánwal FC Newport #24030
wal G. Baldersonwal YNWA_Sibyl 913920
wal R. Craigheadwal YNWA_Sibyl 913520
wal M. Diamondwal YNWA_Sibyl 913420
wal J. Graffwal Garfield Tigers2925
wal E. Chamberlinwal YNWA_Sibyl 912820
wal L. Lorimerwal Garfield Tigers2723
ee J. Savisaarwal FC Llandudno Bay2227

Clean sheets (Keepers)

PlayerTeamClean sheetsMP
ph P. Cajipewal Garfield Tigers2325
ph R. Baniquedwal Garfield Tigers2020
lk J. Viralwal YNWA_Sibyl 911820
wal E. Gotschallwal Garfield Tigers1720
me A. Medićwal YNWA_Sibyl 911719
wal R. Groserwal FC Newport #21431
de E. Frankewal Kergle AFC1024
ga M. Leywal FC Cardiff #51033
it J. Buffonwal FC Maesteg934
it T. Lodiwal Kergle AFC812

Number of yellow cards

wal C. Tuellwal FC Maesteg1728
nl T. Stuyvesantwal Kergle AFC1427
us C. Blauserwal FC Pontypridd1432
rw W. Bayowal FC Maesteg1329
eng G. Campbellswal FC Swansea #31229
ie C. Dunlopwal Briton Ferry1231
eng S. Hearnwal FC Swansea #31128
eng B. Whistlerwal FC Neath1129
es A. Suescunwal FC Pontypool1131
ie O. Neelsonwal Briton Ferry1131

Number of red cards

wal L. Radclyffewal FC Llandudno Bay230
eng H. Marschnerwal FC Pontypool124
es P. Diogowal Kergle AFC126
gib G. Julianowal FC Cardiff #7126
wal H. Mewwal FC Cardiff #714
nl T. Stuyvesantwal Kergle AFC127
wal C. Tuellwal FC Maesteg128
gr M. Tsintziropouloswal FC Cardiff #6123
eng B. Whistlerwal FC Neath129
eng F. Gorrellwal FC Cardiff #5130

Own goal

PlayerTeamOwn goalMP
eng M. Dyewal FC Aberdare #2232
eng S. Wristonwal FC Neath233
wal E. Partridgewal Briton Ferry234
ar T. Zeccheriwal FC Newport #2234
eng D. Readwal FC Caerphilly235
fo E. Malikwal FC Cardiff #5126
nl T. Stuyvesantwal Kergle AFC127
gib G. Renaultwal FC Pontypool128
gr M. Tsintziropouloswal FC Cardiff #6123
wal L. Radclyffewal FC Llandudno Bay130