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English >> General discussion

progress history (6)

fr TONTONKAL >> sunday july 21 - 08:42
Is there a way to check how much progress a player made?

I would enjoy to see the progression of trainable skills, star value and market value of my players per season. Maybe in the form of a graph.

I used to try and keep track of all this in an excel file but now I have a youth center with players popping up all the time it is too much time consuming.

Anyone else would like this, or is it just me silly control freak?
nl Vincent de Boer >> sunday july 21 - 09:00
You can now download the data of all your players in excel with one button (under "players").
nl Vincent de Boer
Head Developer
hu MacikaG >> sunday july 21 - 09:05
it is very níce,thbnk you.
hu MacikaG
Community admin
hu ⚽Ferencváros⚽
fr TONTONKAL >> sunday july 21 - 09:10
Yes I saw that and I think it's very useful and cool. Only field missing is market value.

But this functionality only shows statistics as of today and does not allow me to go back in the past to see the progress already made. Would this be worth considering?
nl Vincent de Boer >> sunday july 21 - 09:36
No, that's not possible. This kind of information isn't stored by the game for all players. If you want to build a history for your players you have to do it yourself.
nl Vincent de Boer
Head Developer
fr TONTONKAL >> sunday july 21 - 10:23
that's fine
thanks Vincent for your quick responses