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English >> General discussion

Rules for selling tickets (10)

nl Vincent de Boer >> wednesday july 3 - 10:45
Unfortunately we caught a lot people lately who didn't understand the rules well for buying tickets to their own matches. I've updated the rules in the help and added them to the terms of service.

You are not allowed to buy more than one ticket to your own match. There are many ways to do this, but it's all considered cheating. If you have an account you need to be logged in when buying tickets, this will prevent you from accidentally breaking the rules.

Friends who don't play Rocking Soccer can still help you by buying tickets when they are not logged in, but they too should only buy them once for each of your matches.

We'll be much more strict in enforcing this rule from now on. People doing this will lose fanclub members, repeated offenders will lose more per match than they can get so please play fair.
nl Vincent de Boer
Head Developer
pw Su >> wednesday july 3 - 11:08
hmm when someone from forum buy ticket to my match , but in this time i'm not loggin in , I cheating now?
pw Su
nl Vincent de Boer >> wednesday july 3 - 11:49
No, the person buying the ticket should be logged in if he has an account. You do not have to be logged in when someone else buys a ticket to your match.
nl Vincent de Boer
Head Developer
pt Sir Alex >> wednesday july 3 - 12:08

i dont like cheaters!

cheers :)
pt Sir Alex
in viktor >> wednesday july 3 - 14:53, Edited wednesday july 3 - 14:55
This entire "cheating" charge is so flimsy. So lets say I m logged in right now and I want to but forget to click on "Buy tickets". After a few hours I login to a different window and buy tickets and a day later I see the window open and that it looks like I m logged in and I click on the buy tickets link because I forgot and because my "schedule" does not revolve around RS, I do not necessarily log in at "periodic intervals" to know that I did not login in the last hour. You claim I cheated just when I know that I did not and FTR it is difficult almost impossible to prove "something did not happen" rather than that something did, yet for some "altruistic reason" you decide not to prove but just to convict....

The other thing(off-topic) that bugs me is the " clicking on "live" to get credit. You login 3-4 minutes before the exact time the match starts and then check the forums participate in some discussions, answer a call and suddenly 15 minutes have passed by but you lose the"I logged into watch the match credit because you did not click the link in the 10 minute window" and that to me is ridiculous because you just got penalized for participating in the forum discussions.
in viktor
in Air FC
nl Vincent de Boer >> wednesday july 3 - 15:25
@viktor: We won't discuss specific cases here, if you have questions about your situation you can contact us in private.

In general we won't punish someone if he occasionally buys two tickets for one match. If someone repeatedly does this 3-4 times per match (or more) it's hard to argue that it was accidental. And even if it is, accidental cheating is still cheating.
nl Vincent de Boer
Head Developer
sk gamesak >> thursday july 4 - 13:03
good change, I appreciate it. Being SM in other game, I know it is possible to catch such offenders.

Best luck to you, Vincent, this game is great and getting awesome:)
sk gamesak
hu MacikaG >> thursday july 4 - 18:49, Edited thursday july 4 - 18:55
If I want to sell tickets, all tickets gone by an hour or two. If you have ticket one day later then first buy for the identical match, you don't want to really sell, I think.
for other time question: if U logged in to watch your match live it is your fault not the wait until you get the bonus or credit. Click on the "live button" and don't go anywhere, just press F5 when the match started and got the bonus. It's simple.
hu MacikaG
Community admin
hu ⚽Ferencváros⚽
ua Garfman >> friday july 5 - 06:12
Viktor, I don't really see your problem. These things are very clear. And do you think it would make sense to start looking at every specific case? Would be very time consuming, I'd say. A line has to be drawn somewhere. I for one totally agree with these measures, because it is very easy to avoid such cases (in which you could be accused of cheating) if you consciously do so.
ua Garfman
Head community admin
ph Garfman FC
ua ... >> friday july 5 - 21:00
I assume that Vincent and his team are only going to intervene if they notice a systematic abuse, and not when there is an "accident".

Apparently there are several people trying to exploit minor holes in the setup in their own advantage, time and time again. Otherwise, the game masters wouldn't make such a fuss about it. And that's also why I am fully in favour of this warning, the only remark that I have is that the countermeasures seem to me a bit on the soft side...
ua ...