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English >> General discussion

Isn't this lovely? (3)

in Dr. Arpit >> friday october 14 - 17:44

That it is Turkmenistan which is the world's best team and the current World Cup champion!

Like imagine this in the real world! It's bonkers to me! I find it fascinating.

Cook Islands at third place and Kiribati in the top ten are insane in their own right!

in Dr. Arpit
in Thundering Pune
eng holt >> friday october 14 - 19:17

I thought it might have some correlation with the strength of the national leagues. Turns out it isn't so, with notable examples being China and Saudi Arabia.

eng holt
ee onuelver >> saturday october 15 - 03:39

There have been always some small countries reaching very far even such ones that have been in their groups bottoms for years now. If some country is very bottom of ranks or just new one many managers start to pull players for them including teams with top facilities bc it's easy to get player into NT. That will rise them to top. 

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back