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English >> General discussion

FRUSTRATION (Season 25+) (10389)

il Numpty >> wednesday july 1 - 11:59, Edited wednesday july 1 - 12:00

I think with Lazy and Selfish I would make him a striker. 

As for @Andrei, he's Loyal, Hardworking and just Setting Walls. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
tr Mavi >> wednesday july 1 - 12:59, Edited wednesday july 1 - 13:00

Lazy only works for dcb. Lazy striker is really really bad guys dont do it. Its just super annoying when your midfielder passes to him and he says "naaah its too much effort even to catch ball"

tr Mavi
ro Andrei >> wednesday july 1 - 13:36
Loyal, Hardworking and Setting Walls.

Must be an absolute Keeper that one, Numpty.

Where can I sign him?
ro Andrei
il Numpty >> wednesday july 1 - 13:44

Have you tried the local dogs' home ... :D

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ro Andrei >> wednesday july 1 - 13:49
Will definitely try. Cheers! ;)
ro Andrei
ee Balthazor >> friday july 3 - 04:58

Didn't get player I have hunted several TW-s: he went again to one of clubs that collect supertalents and later try to sell them for ridiculously high prices and who get almost every player they want. 

ee Balthazor
ee Dünamo Tallinn
ee Taavi >> friday july 3 - 15:17

2 injuries from friendlies costing me 30m ...

ee Taavi
Community admin
ee FC Pusa
il Numpty >> friday july 3 - 17:53, Edited friday july 3 - 18:01

Lol, I just got beaten by a bot!!!

I didn't think that was supposed to happen. 

The asking price was below the market value (at around 87%). The bot had already bid and then I made a bid which was above the asking price but below the bot's bid.

The bot also had 4 Yes's and a 75%/25% win chance, so increasing my bid probably wouldn't make much difference and I left it to see what would happen.

When the bid finished the bot had bid the market value, which was above the asking price ... and got the player. 

Anyone else been beaten by a bot?


I've just checked what it says in the Help. 

"Bot players can also buy or loan one of the players you put on the transfer-list, but they only do so if no human manager wants to buy this player. "

So clearly the Help is wrong. Perhaps bots only withdraw if their bid is in fact less than any real bids.  

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Stephen >> friday july 3 - 19:18

I’ve never seen a bot withdraw a bid. But they shouldn’t bid if a human has already made a bid. I don’t think the Help is wrong, but it could perhaps be slightly clearer to say bot teams won’t bid if a human has already bid.

eng Stephen
Head Admin
eng Seaburn Beach
il Numpty >> friday july 3 - 19:29, Edited friday july 3 - 20:02

I'm pretty sure bots do withdraw @Stephen. 

I've bid on a number of players where there was already one bidder. After my bid I'm shown as the only bidder - and I think the transfer list page shows as Bid(2). That isn't a one off as I've seen it on numerous occasions.

I've also seen quite a few players, where it shows as Bid(2) and when I look at the Player transfer page it says "1 teams have bid for this player". 

Very likely this is where bots have withdrawn. 

Just to add that I've bid on a few players previously and seen that a bot was a higher bidder (usually an underbid, which seems fair if it's below the asking price) - I've never bid on one and seen that a bot was a lower bidder. So the evidence suggests to me that they withdraw if they get outbid.

As for the Help. Lets not be pedantic - the English says Buy not Bid, so it's definitely wrong. 


And I've just remembered that I have concrete evidence of bots withdrawing. I can see this by looking at the bids on my own players that I am selling. The bot bids first and then withdraws when real people make their bids. 100%

The other explanation, of course, is that all underbids get withdrawn when someone offers the asking price. Since bots are the most frequent underbidders then they withdraw more often.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Stephen >> friday july 3 - 20:21

You’re saying let’s not be pedantic while opening a huge can of the stuff and chugging it down? ;) 

I think bots don’t withdraw if they’ve met the asking price as seems to be the case in your original post.

eng Stephen
Head Admin
eng Seaburn Beach
il Numpty >> friday july 3 - 20:45, Edited friday july 3 - 20:54

(I'll happily have some of what you're drinking!) :D

It's more nuanced than that.

The bits I'm sure about are:

  • Bots do withdraw - usually because they underbid and don't meet the asking price. 
  • If they have not met the asking price they don't withdraw if someone else bids and they are the higher bidder.  (This seems reaonable because the sale is not guaranteed) 

What's new to me (and rather unusual):

  • Bot exceeds the asking price (because it was below the market value) - bot is the higher bidder and wins the player.  

What I'm not 100% sure about:

  • Bot meets the asking price but then gets outbid - I think they withdraw

As far as I recall I've bid on players that say "1 teams have bid for this player", so there is no underbid, then after my bid I am the only bidder. I presume the most likely explanation is that a bot has withdrawn. However, my memory might be playing tricks on me ... 

So it seems to me that the general rule is not that they've met the asking price, but that they don't withdraw if they are the higher (or highest) bidder, regardless of the asking price. But I may be wrong and usually am ... Just ask the wife!

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
nl Joddit >> saturday july 4 - 10:53

"The bits I'm sure about are:

  • Bots do withdraw - usually because they underbid and don't meet the asking price. 
  • If they have not met the asking price they don't withdraw if someone else bids and they are the higher bidder.  (This seems reaonable because the sale is not guaranteed) 

What's new to me (and rather unusual):

  • Bot exceeds the asking price (because it was below the market value) - bot is the higher bidder and wins the player.  

What I'm not 100% sure about:

  • Bot meets the asking price but then gets outbid - I think they withdraw"

I'm (nearly) always selling my players to bots and you're just plain wrong on the fact that bots withdraw their bids. Bots only bid at players who have been listed a while (though they usually don't wait until the last minute) and have no bids on them at that time... That in my view is what the help files refer to...

They always bid around market value and don't care about your asking price. If they bid under the asking price and get outbid by an actual player who does bid the asking price I can see in the number of bids made that their bid still stands (even though they have no chance of winning it; this is the time when a human player can start bidding again for a different player since this bid doesn't really count anymore).

Now, I don't know how you came to be certain of the fact that bots withdraw their bids and I would love to be convinced that I'm wrong, but my experience directly contradicts this...

And I apologise if I sounded a bit pedantic...

nl Joddit
nl Domstad FC