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English >> General discussion

FRUSTRATION (Season 25+) (10414)

ee onuelver >> wednesday june 30 - 05:58, Edited wednesday june 30 - 06:00

...and managers that often randomly quit are not very wanted by other high ranked clubs because of bad reputation.

My own frustration moment: have to struggle another season to get 10 points. Player i wanted choosed other club as usually.

ee onuelver
ee Puka City Strikes Back
ee Taavi >> thursday july 1 - 06:17

Been trying to sell some players for 5 days lowering price day by day and now the board is selling bricks from my FA to supreme 

ee Taavi
Community admin
ee FC Pusa
nl Sazz >> thursday july 1 - 06:59

Yup.. Max value players not selling for 75m even. (For 4 seasons, 8 transfer periods in a row). Game is dead, not enough demand (or money!? - Numpty analysis please :)), everyone will stay at the club until they retire and be sold to bank.

nl Sazz
il Numpty >> thursday july 1 - 07:21

Lol @Sazz. Taavi's not the only one who's struggling to stay afloat. I guess there's not so much money available in the game economy for buying players. So many clubs have just kept building and building, and the routine maintenance costs and huge wages just bleeds them dry. It's a buyers market. 

There's plenty of activity at the lower end of the market with strong competition for farming crops. 

Ultimately the market will set it's own price for the top players. I think the real issue here is it takes ages to lower their price to get any bids.  And it's impossible to sell them in the mid-season window unless you take the bank value. 

Changing the asking prices is one of the more urgent fixes that the game  really needs. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ua Good bye >> thursday july 1 - 07:44

The game really needs a lot of fixes starting from A-Z

ua Good bye
ee Taavi >> thursday july 1 - 07:51

This game needs a format so we can all get off the computer and become scientists

ee Taavi
Community admin
ee FC Pusa
ua Good bye >> thursday july 1 - 08:09

Hahaha, I didn't support that.

ua Good bye
ua Kalle >> thursday july 1 - 09:05

@Numty So many clubs have just kept building and building, and the routine maintenance costs and huge wages just bleeds them dry. It's a buyers market. 

Indeed, just as Vincent had intended. I made a decision for my team not to go with the building rat race to the top but instead save money and buy the players i need. And now i see managers demolishing YA2/3/4 to try and save money... 

For myself i see that as a confirmation that my idea was spot on :)

ua Kalle
nl PEC Zwolle
il Numpty >> thursday july 1 - 09:20

Yep! That's definitely a good option @Kalle. 

For myself I plan to build some levels for a few reasons.

If you're entirely reliant on buying players then you are restricted by the choice of what's on the market and it may be difficult to find 'specialist' players. If you train them yourself then you can shape them exactly how you want them.  

Having invested a few years in building a club from scratch, there's an extra 'fun factor' in developing some top class youngsters and seeing them come through into the first team. You don't need a YA for that but you do need a good level of FA.

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ee Taavi >> thursday july 1 - 10:04

For me i dont see the point of YA3 , currently selling an 18 year old YA3 selfish forward and i guess hes gonna go for 30m€ , if players with good specials go for abit above bank value and you have to relist them for a week to sell then whats the point.

just doing it for the estonian NT i guess, we have 0 YA4s lol

ee Taavi
Community admin
ee FC Pusa
il Numpty >> thursday july 1 - 10:27

The future of the Estonian NT looks very bright though. You can build it around Dave. 

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
eng Stephen >> thursday july 1 - 11:57

Correct! That's what the future of Seaburn Beach will look like if Taavi ever lists him

eng Stephen
Head Admin
eng Seaburn Beach
il Numpty >> thursday july 1 - 12:08

His FA is being demolished as we speak. Selling Dave is his only hope to stay afloat ...  

il Numpty
eng Heath Hornets
ee Taavi >> thursday july 1 - 12:59, Edited thursday july 1 - 13:07

We had to give Dave a massive 200m€ bonus to keep him happy at our club , on top of that we had to pay his 75m€ hotel bill because he has a thing for M&Ms

i just hope the bank brings my bricks back

ee Taavi
Community admin
ee FC Pusa
ua Good bye >> thursday july 1 - 14:22, Edited thursday july 1 - 14:22


I do suggest you to downgrade your YA than FA, I don't know what came on to you to take this step.

Great managers do not take such decisions, think wise man.

ua Good bye