League of England season 31 [4.1]

Become a manager and get your own football team in the national league of England on the game Rocking Soccer.

1eng Notorious Gods10138332312118
2eng Scammonden Daoists 3 210138325112425
3eng Sheffield City #3903828649935
4eng Blackpool #6793824778234
5eng Bournemouth City753823697939
6eng Preston United6738191096940
7eng Sooth Sheels6438204146848
8eng Northampton5938178134435
9eng Liverpool City #65838177148478
10eng World Rulers58381610124240
11eng Huddersfield United5438166167266
12eng Crossharbour Nursery FC5338165179586
13eng Chatham #25238157165173
14eng Plymouth United4238126205281
15eng Bognor Regis United3738114234872
16eng Bournemouth City #4313887234274
17eng Abingdon City #22738832752104
18eng Halesowen #21738523146134
19eng Ashton-in-Makerfield Town1038243224113
20eng Aylesford Town938233315114