Matches and strategy: The basics

The match engine works with turns. Every minute, two turns are executed. A turn consists of two phases:


In the movement phase, all players can move one or two steps. Whether or not they move depends on their position and speed

In this phase, the player with the lowest tactics has to move first. The higher the tactics of a player, the later he can move. This means he knows where the other players moved before he has to move himself


In the action phase, all players get a chance to make an action

An action can for example be to pass the ball to a team member, to try to capture the ball from an opponent or to attempt to score.

In this phase, the player with the highest tactics acts first. Once an action is made, the turn ends.

The Field

The field is divided in regions, players can move from one region to an adjacent region. Players can pass within the same region, to an adjacent region or even over multiple regions if they are strong.

Scoring positions

Players on the fields 9, 11, 12, 13, 14 can attempt to score a goal. The "scoring" skill is most important for scoring goals. The further away from the goal, the more decisive strength becomes. If an opponent commits a foul in one of these fields, a direct free kick is given. If the foul is commited in region 14 (or 1) a penalty is awarded.

The players

All the players are given a position in the lineup (eg. "Center Back" or "Striker"). This decides how they will behave in the match. Defensive players will stay behind more while offensive players are more likely to shoot at the goal and less likely to pass the ball to a team member.